Wayfinding Design
Guiding People
Through Places
It seems that simple. But so many new and aging facilities struggle with poor wayfinding.
Visitors are getting lost, personnel are frustrated, and efficiency is declining.
If this sounds familiar, your facility may benefit from a comprehensive wayfinding analysis and master plan.
From General To Specific
In an unfamiliar and complex environment, visitors can easily become disoriented. Being bombarded with too much information and choices will make navigation more difficult.
When developing a sign plan, professional wayfinding designers develop an informational hierarchy and graphics system that guides from general to specific.
This allows visitors to make simple decisions that get them to where they need to go, and back.
Why Invest In Wayfinding?
A professionally designed signage system and wayfinding plan will help minimize the frustration and dissatisfaction associated with becoming lost or disoriented, while also saving your facility time and money. Contact our design team and let us demonstrate how we can greatly improve the way people experience your facility.